Chronicle of the History of Christianity


flag austria

International symposium on Fortunatius of Aquileia and His Gospel Commentary organised by CSEL and
held at the University of Salzburg, Austria, 17-19 September 2015 pdf2


Flag Belgium

Febr. 2 2014. International Conference of Patristic "Quo Vadis Patrologia?" organised by the Research Units
of History of Church and Theology and Literary Studies of the KU Leuven.

flag France

June 29-July 2 2014. Conference Irénée entre Bible et Hellénisme organised by the Institut universitaire
de France.

flag italy

Febr. 7 2014. Seminar on Concilio Vaticano I e la modernità held at the Istituto Storico Germanico di Roma. pdf2

flag mexico

Sept. 3-5 2014. International Conference La construcción de una nueva identidad: la Compañia de Jesús ante
su restauración organised by the Universitad Iberoamericana

flag Peru

Aug. 19-20 2014. International Symposium El Imaginario Jesuita en los Reinos Americanos. Siglos XVI-XIXpdf2
organised by the National Library of Peru and the Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya



Flag Uruguay

29-30/10/2013. Days of study devoted to Jacinto Vera, first bishop of Montevideo. pdf2