Presentation of the IR

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Since 2014, the RHE bibliography is grouped with the Elenchus bibliographicus of the Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses under the name Index Religiosus and is always accessible via the Internet site Brepolis. Putting it online allows faster and more complex research than does the paper version. For now, the last 40 years of the bibliography may be consulted (1971-2019) but the base will rapidly be enriched, containing the whole bibliography since the Review's beginnings. Two types of research are possible: free and advanced. Free research, proposed free to our subscribers (for the procedure, see here), allows research in the entire field, by author and by title. Classical Boolean operators may be used. Advanced research allows cross examining all the data contained in the bibliography so as to narrow down the results (by geographical zone, discipline, period, historic personages, places, subjects, etc.). The data obtained can be printed, sent by e-mail and exported to Zotero, html, xls (MS Excel), doc (MS Word), txt Endnote, and txt formats.

Whenever possible, direct links are established with articles figuring in the Dictionnaire d’Histoire et de Géographie Ecclésiastiques and to articles of it themselves referring to bibliographical notices of the RHE concerning the theme of the Dictionnaire article. Henceforth, the Bibliography, present in RHE issue Nr 2, forms a complete instrument, provided with indices, one for authors' names and another for keywords (historic personages, subjects).